Term 2 Newsletter

Hello everyone and welcome back to term 2.

Term dates:

A reminder that the KMC annual contributions cover 30 lessons per year.

Term 1 has 6.
Term 2 – 9
Term 3 – 9
Term 4 – 6 Plus the annual concert.

Term 2 starts back Monday 29th April. Monday 3rd June is the King’s birthday so there will be no lessons for those who have Monday classes that day. This will be made up on Monday 1st July, at the end of the term.

Term 2 ends Friday 28th June except for the above-mentioned makeup lessons.


The general behavior of the students arriving and leaving Te Raukura has been very well behaved and done with respect for the magnificent building we are lucky to teach from. So, a friendly reminder to be quiet when leaving and entering as the college sometimes has assessments and exams going on in the building. Many thanks and keep up the good work.

Payments and Refunds

For the person who paid $245.00 on the 12th March with the reference TR, can you please contact the manager. admin@kapitimusiccentre.org.nz.    Thanks.

Also, a reminder that there can be no refunds if your child wishes to pull out of their lessons. The cutoff date was the 25th March. Withdrawals after this date cannot be refunded as the class compositions have already been established for the year.

This also applies to those who wish to take sizable time off during the year but please contact the manager if you have concerns.


The KMC tutors are very supportive of children learning sports as well as music therefore we will try our best to accommodate fitting in around the up-and-coming winter sports but sometimes it doesn’t work out – we will do our best, but our hours/days are generally set at the beginning of the year.

Saturday 23rd November 2024

This is our big Concert Day at Te Raukura ki Kapiti where all the students get to perform. Times to be confirmed but please mark the date on your calendars.

Office Hours

The Manager’s position is part time. Email is the best form of communication and will be replied to as soon as possible. admin@kapitimusiccentre.org.nz


If you have concerns or questions about your child’s lessons, please contact their tutor in the first instance. If for any reason you are unable to speak to their tutor, please contact the Manager.

Have fun and enjoy your lessons at the Kapiti Music Centre

Thank you and remember to encourage your children to keep practicing. Little and often is the best method but also to enjoy this gift of learning and playing music.

Warm regards

Amanda Kemp