About Us

Who are we?

The Kāpiti Music Centre is a non-profit Trust set up to teach groups of children to learn about, enjoy and appreciate music through learning to play an instrument.

Based at Kāpiti College, Margaret Road, Raumati Beach on the Kāpiti Coast, we offer group music lessons in Cello, Clarinet, Flute, Percussion, Guitar, Recorder, Brass, Violin, Saxophone, Ukulele, Introduction to Music, Glee Club, Keyboard and Bass.  Lessons are after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Kāpiti Music Centre Board

The Music Centre is run by our Board of Trustees who employ a Manager, Amanda Kemp.

At present our board members are Caz Bartholomew (Chairperson), Ruth McGregor (Treasurer), Andy Russell, (Tutor Rep), Ann White, and Jon Smith.

If you are interested in helping in the Music Centre, please let us know.

The Kāpiti Music Centre came into existence in 1980 and was funded under the Department of Education. As the number of students grew, the funding remained the same. For us to be able to meet the demands of growth the Music Centre needed to seek extra funding. This has been achieved through fundraising and asking for a minimal contribution for lessons.

In order to give ourselves a legal identity we set ourselves up as a Charitable Trust for educational purposes.  Presently the Centre is run by the Kāpiti Music Centre Board of Trustees.  The Trust is governed by a group of committed volunteers consisting of parents, a tutor representative, and the manager.

The role of the manager is a part time position, which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Centre.

Our History

In 1980 the Kāpiti Music Centre came into existence under the Department of Education. It was attached to Kāpiti Primary School, and their Principal had oversight of the Music Centre. The only two instruments available then were violin and recorder. End of the year concerts were informal affairs held on the steps of Kāpiti School.

By 1985 the Music Centre had grown to one hundred students and was offering clarinet, guitar, flute, brass, violin and recorder.

The 1990’s saw the Music Centre continuing to develop. A wind band was formed and existed for a number of years. Glockenspiel and First Steps were added to the classes on offer. Orchestra camps were arranged to advance and inspire the students. The end of year concerts became a community highlight – the Grand Concert (years 1-3) and the Graduate Concert (seniors).

In 2002 the Music Centre relocated to St Patrick’s Primary school. Cello and Percussion were added to the instruments available.

Today the Music Centre is going strong.  In 2016 it moved to Kāpiti College.  It now offers 17 different types of music lessons.  In 2017 it started its first Improvisation Band which has been successful.  Also, in 2017 with large numbers of junior and intermediate students the Centre had 2 end of year concerts.  The Junior and Intermediate demonstration concert was held at Kāpiti College and the Grand Concert for all students with 3 Orchestras and Senior performances was held at Southwards Theatre.

The KMC currently hold lessons and our end of year concert at Te Raukura ki Kapiti at Kapiti College, Raumati Beach.

The Centre has a committed team of Trustees ensuring that the vision and the future of the Music Centre is secured for the children of our community.