KMC Term 1 Newsletter

Welcome back to those returning students and a big welcome to those new to the Kapiti Music Centre family.

Term 1 2024 – 26th February – 4th April.


(N/B: Monday 8th and Tues 9th April will be a replacement lesson for Easter Monday and Tuesday)

Term 2 2024 – 29th April 2024 – 27th June 2024.  

3rd June Kings Birthday – NO LESSONS

(N/B: 1st July will be a replacement lesson for Kings B/day).

Term 3 2024 – 22nd July 2024 – 26th September 2024.

Midterm break 26th – 29th August. – NO LESSONS

Term 4 2024 – 14th October 2024 – 21st November 2024.

Mon 28th Oct Labour Day.

(25th November will be a replacement lesson for Labour Day).

End of Year Concert – Saturday 23rd November 2024 at Te Raukura ki Kapiti


Te Raukura ki Kapiti

We are very grateful to Te Raukura ki Kapiti and Kapiti College that hosts the KMC and nurtures our special community we have in Kapiti, and we look forward to a great year ahead of learning, playing, and performing.  Please respect this building as it is a communal space.  Please, no running around and to be quiet when arriving and leaving.  Thanks.

Please use the Main Entrance at KPAC – not the college one as that might be locked.

Refunds and Invoicing

Invoices will be sent out over the next week and all refunds close the week of the 25th March.


If you are a returning student to KMC it is important that you enroll fresh at the beginning of each year regardless.  Please make a note that it is not an automatic carry over and sometimes, if the tutor gets contacted directly, important information gets excluded from management.  Thank you.

KMC Tutors

Yemma Barsanti – Recorder, Intro to Music and Beginner Keyboard
Andy Russell – Drums and Percussion
Chris Pierce – Saxophone and Clarinet
Nadia Holland– Flute
Ann White – Beginner Cello, Violin and Ensemble
Mary Taylor – Violin
Amanda Kemp – Guitar, Ukulele, Glee, Band, Bass Guitar KMC Manager
Jill Duncan – Senior Keyboard

New Tutor

The KMC would like to welcome Nadia Holland, our new flute tutor.

Nadia has had many years’ experience of teaching and playing the flute.  She spent ten years teaching at the Christchurch School of Music and we are incredibly fortunate to have her.  Welcome Nadia.


The Manager’s position is part time.  Email is the best form of communication and will be replied to as soon as possible.

CONCERNS:If you have concerns or questions about your child’s lessons, please contact their tutor in the first instance.  If for any reason you are unable to speak to their tutor, please contact the Manager.

Have fun and enjoy your lessons at the Kapiti Music Centre

Warm regards

Amanda Kemp – Manager