The violin is an amazingly beautiful instrument capable of expressing all the emotions of the soul. It is used in many varied forms of music from classical to folk fiddle, modern rock bands, and features in the traditional music of many different cultures. As a violin player a child has many options open to them as an adult from orchestral playing to solo playing, chamber music, folk and rock bands, teaching or an enjoyable hobby.

As in all musical instruments, learning to play the violin requires commitment not just from the child but also the parents. Patience is also an important ingredient to success. Daily practice is essential. Remember that the child, whether they be 5 or 15 who says 'I must go and do my practice' is extremely rare. It is up to the parent to find the most productive time of day for their child and set that aside for practice. 10 to 15 minutes every day achieves far more than 30 minutes once a week.

It is also important to remember that all children learn in different ways. Some hit the ground running while others take more time. This is not a reflection of their ability and in fact the ones who progress more slowly in the beginning are often highly successful as they have learnt the value of perseverance and dedication. For this reason I ask all parents to focus on their child’s achievements rather than in comparison to others in the class.

Course Entry Recommendations:

  • No previous experience necessary.
  • Minimum age five years.


  • Violins are available for hire.
  • If purchasing, make sure your child goes with you. The size of the child determines the size of the instrument required.

Beginner Classes

By the end of the Beginner classes, a child should have mastered good posture, be holding the violin and bow correctly, and be able to play the initial pieces in the Suzuki Violin Book 1.

Required materials for class;

  • A named clear file folder

Level A

By the end of Level B a child should be mastering the ability to read music, extending their technical ability and progressing through book 1.

Required materials for class- as for Beginner classes.

Level B/C

By the end of Level B a child should be continuing to progress through the Suzuki books and have reached a competent level of playing.

Required materials for class- 'to be confirmed'

This is a general outline only. I reassess the groups throughout the year giving children the opportunity to move into another group if appropriate in order to ensure each child is getting maximum benefit from their lesson. The ultimate goal is to teach children a love of music and a pride in their achievements.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask the Centre Manager.