Guitar & Bass Guitar CLASS FULL


Amanda Kemp

Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday

Course Entry Recommendations

  • No previous musical experience is necessary
  • There is a minimum age limit (8 years and over)
  • Prospective students should be physically capable of handling the instrument


  • Three-quarter or full-sized acoustic guitar.  Bass guitar for all bass lessons.  (N/B: We don't offer bass guitar hire).

Course Music

  • Tutor book, to be confirmed for each class
  • A plastic clearfile is required
  • Electronic tuner highly recommended

Acoustic Guitar and Bass Guitar

Learning in a small group setting is a helpful way of keeping students motivated to practice and keep up with each other.  This is the most affordable way to learn to play an instrument with confidence.

Students will be introduced to:

  • handling a guitar comfortably
  • chords to enable them to play popular songs
  • changing chords with confidence
  • strumming rhythms
  • playing guitar while being accompanied by another instrument
  • concert music where guitars are part of the orchestration
  • You Tube ‘How to Play...’ guitar clips
  • Plucking and finger picking styles at level 2 and 3
  • Bass guitar you will learn technique and reading bass tablature whilst learning modern, popular songs.

Students will become familiar with written music and ‘guitar tab’, so that they can perform in a variety of contexts.  We also look at basic theory applicable to all instruments.